Sunday, February 14, 2010

Olympics and more

I watched some of the Winter Olympics for the first time this year....i even you tubed "Olympic Fanfare" to get in the spirit. I watched the mens' luge and some speed skating. It reminded me of the days back in elementary when me and my friend Chris Dupree would take his 2 skateboards and "street luge" down Hackmore Loop, his street. It was kind of hilly, and made for a good time. We never thought about cars that could have easily taken us out. Secondly, I remembered today thatI had this fascination with ski jumping in middle school, and wanted to take ski-jumping lessons. I think I just wanted to feel like I was are weird. Today it snowed again, but melted pretty fast. Tomorrow I go to Austin through Wednesday, then back to Tulsa. Should be a fun week----I get to hang out with some of my co-workers that I rarely see, so it should be a great time.


Jay said...

Have fun in Austin! Going to miss you at the Air Hockey Championship :(


Kim said...

Sweet! Laura will be in Austin too.

I used to LOVE the figure skating at the olympics.